Why Creation Care

Why Creation Care

(note: this post contains affiliate links and I may get a commission from purchases)

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth .... and then He asked us to care for it (Genesis 1-2, Genesis 2:15). Somewhere along the way, care for the environment got politized and then it got complicated to know what was political and what was an act of faith or worship.

Ultimately, care for the creation is a mandate from God, if you believe in Him, regardless of your political standing or your thoughts on science. So my belief is that we care for the earth as an act of worship and it has nothing to do with politics or even climate changes. It's simply that God gave us a beautiful home and as an act of love and obedience toward God, we should cultivate and care for it.

But I am no scholar nor should you do something because I believe it. The Bible also tells us to investigate for ourselves (Acts 17:11). So if you are Christian (and even if you are not), here are a couple resources that talk about why Creation Care (environmentalism) is Biblical.

First, I highly recommend this book, Stewards of Eden, by Sandra Richter. (Buy on Amazon :: Buy on BookShop) In it she breaks down what the Bible says about the environment and why the topic divisive in American culture. You can hear her talking about this issue as well in this podcast from the National Association of Evangelicals.

Secondly, also from the National Association of Evangelicals, there is a great resource called "For the Health of the Nation: An Evangelical Call to Civic Responsibility". This contains the Biblical view on a number of important issues and the last section is on Creation Care. I highly recommend reading this if you have questions on what the Bible says about these issues.

And finally, people and the environment are inextricably linked. If the environment falters, so do the people who live in it, namely all of us. Plant with Purpose is addressing this issue head on as it uses environmental restoration to love people and fight poverty. You can read about their work and why it's important here.

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