... and How is it Different from Self-Care?
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This is a good question and one where you may get a different answer depending on who you ask. So here is my go at answering.
In a lot of ways they look the similar as many of the practices are the same - like taking a walk in the woods or journaling. Where they differ is in the purpose.
Soul Care (also called Spiritual Formation) can have an intentionality to it beyond rest and recharging. Self-care is often simply a respite in a busy life. Both are important.
Let me unpack the intentionality of Soul Care. Soul Care is about who we are and who we are becoming. When we practice Soul Care on purpose it is to learn more about who we are and guide who we are becoming (if you are a Christian, this guidance is from the Holy Spirit). In many ways, we are formed unintentionally by how we live and make our choices. Soul Care then is about doing it on purpose rather than leaving who we become up to chance.
Soul Care is also nurturing our whole self: body, mind, spirit and community. So in engaging in things like self-exploration (learning our core beliefs and personality), interacting with art and nature, and building and maintaining relationships we can steer who we become. Once we know our current state, we can evaluate it and decide if that is where we want to stay or look at who we would like to be. Once we can clearly see both states, we can then make intentional choices that lead toward who we want to be.
So for example, one of my core beliefs is that God created me and the earth and directed me to take care of both. So knowing that, when I am deciding what to do today, I can choose to go for a walk (to care for my health) and make sure that I leave no trace in the park where I walk (taking care of the earth). Both come out of beliefs that I am consciously aware of and consciously nurturing. This is Soul Care.
Want to read more about Soul Care? Here are a few books to check out:
Soul Care: 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul
by Dr. Rob Reimer
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Soul Custody: Choosing to Care for the One and Only You
by Stephen Smith
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